On this page: some poems/text- Her er det tekster skrevet av meg. Only me writing. If lyrics of mine are published elsewhere as if I had done that, or with one of my pseudonyms. Or worse if someone contact you as if to be me, to give you my lyrics- that is not me. I contact everyone by my emailadress: tonjesorli@gmail.com. I also have my own phone. I have been writing songs(the lyrics) from 13 years old. Some of them are lost. I gave also some of them to you. And some of them happened to fall in wrong hands. When I was younger I liked to be a part of songs like that, I was born, and grew up with things, some of them made me fragmented. Luckily my fragments are now me. This helps me to stay in me, and be part of this world. Sometimes artists contact me in awfully strange ways, as if I still hopefully would be like who I was, with little support or boundaries, just a smile and I would be your friend forever with my poem- right? If this offends you I am sorry. Music is so important to people and me to. But to be used without being part is sad.
Also- Last time I freewilly was interested in giving someone a lyric is 13 years ago. I used to reach out like that. I have seen my lyrics in use, also last year, and its sad for me when this happens. First: its not legal. And two: I would really love to work on projects also with lyrics or texts in. But I dont need or want to publish elsewhere than in my own project, either do I or will I give or email away any writings to anyone without a meeting and a contract. I had someone I worked with, but that is also not anymore. Noone are asked to share my lyrics, and most important: not anymore, as his is sth I dont not want, though I did share for free use a few of my lyrics/texts when I was very young, thats also 20 years ago..... My thoughts on not sharing: because I have reasons not to be a part without a contract. Feelings in words are not for you but for me. To give them to you would be oversharing. Also sth happened: my hardware with over 14000 texts and sketches in paper got lost(example is a drawing of Coldplays vocalist, and appropriation from budoars in Donald Duck on food paper for future work, in 2013. With this was also pitches for commercials and movies, and thoughts for several books. Also portraits in blue paper of my brother and my exes. +++ And manuscripts on magical stuff for kids with traumas. Why? We who have traumas feel alone, and different. Perhaps we too could have a place or sth to be good at. To lose all of this material I had made has made me very sad. And those who credit me are to say very few. To have possibilities to say things I had in my mind was a savior for me till this happened. My dream and wish was to be my own friend in this: my projects, back then. My diary gone lost is what this was. This loss did get me down. Earlier than this, 2013, my backup for my lyrics got lost from my studio at Teglverkstgata 2, where I rented a spot for several years.. Few years ago I watched my word-files(mostly songlyrics) stored in my PC vanish right before my eyes, this happened when I worked in my home at Kampen, where I used to live..
Loss_As i write this, I still miss my first novel, I started on this my text project when I was a teen. I wrote it for my friends, my twin and a younger brother. I wrote about boys getting brutes by their society and upbringing, I wanted them, boys in this area I grew up in to see they could be different, and not be what everyone wanted them to. And friends, they should be in life kinder to each other and stay in touch. And I carried my novel with me, for my workplace was everywhere, when I was a teenager, till it got out of my hands without me wanting it to. I had it in my lap, and right beside me in my familys car, writing whenever time and allowed. A bit older I found a book of the year with so much similar to what I had written in it that I actually threw it in the trash. Gone then, but the feeling of being without rights was overwhelming, and the feeling has stayed with me, and is still sth I struggle with.
Pamfletten min er et prosjekt om å være låtskriver uten å være låtskriver, og er referert til av flere, akkurat nå har jeg har den ikke ute. Den virker kanskje på noen svært kritisk til musikkverden. Derfor må jeg si her at denne Pamfletten var en selvironisk harselas. Jeg stod, da, i 2014, eller året etter, i en rettsal, hvor noen sa jeg ikke kunne skrive ting som jeg skrev og hadde skrevet, helt selv. Å kjempe for vennskap i verden, var og er mitt perspektiv. Å kjempe for det er viktig, og kampen vinnes ikke før menn har sett kvinners vennskap til verden og livet selv, og sier vi er likeverdige her på jorda vår, vel, det må være flere måner til det skjer(sic). Å være kvinne, i ett liv, er forferdelig vanskelig. Jeg kan ikke si noe annet, enn hvor mye slemhet man skal ha tillit til gir oss gode liv, som kvinne, eller utsatt. Du skal heller aldri si, jeg har dette, et avslått blikk, fordi du har opplevd noe, som verden er full av, og vi skal alltid kun gi dette svar: ditt eget thousand-yare stare.
Kent, Den sista sången du får.
Tindersticks: Follow Me
Night Beds: Dear Jewell Arcade Fire: Put Your Money on Me Tindersticks Dear
Leonard Cohen, You Want it Darker & Leaving the Table
Nils Bech: Glimpse of Hope
Father John Misty: Real Love Baby
P J Harvey:
Cass Mccombs: Bum Bum Bum,
Frazey Ford, September Fields & Done
Erlend Øye: Rainman
Sufjan Stevens love your songs
Cold Mailman: Petra Pan & Something You Do.
Fourth of July,
Apothek, Inheritance
Explosions in the Sky: Your Hand in Mine
Coldplay: Up&Up
Bjørk: Yoga
Mas Ysa: Face
Bowie: Girl Loves Me
John Grant: Grey Tickles, Black Pressure
livlig her i dag*
nidkjær høvding
Emilie Nicholas, Let You Out, Junip Line of Fire
Timber Timbre, Demon Host
Jacob Faurholt, Floating in Space
Radiohead, Daydreaming, also backwards.
Susanne Sundfør: Delirious, Fade Away,
Flora Cash: You´re Somebody Else
Jared Letho: Feelium
Crash Test Dummies: Mmm Mmm...
Mas Ysa, Shame & Gun Lana Del Ray: Music to Watch Boys to
Bright Eyes, Lua
Amason, Kelly & Yellow Moon Unge Ferrari
Balkong Flaming Lips, Brother Eye, Girl in Amber
Smashing Pumpkins, Lily(My One and Only)
Squirrel Nut Zippers! Pallin with Al
Farao, Sparks Edith Piaf said it better
Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal
Lars Vaular: Dessverre
Sundfør: Undercover(Edit)
Rockettothesky: The Dead, Dead
Lily Thing Amason Marry Me
Just for Fun
Dot Hacker, Eye Opener
Right Now! In favor! Songs I listen ( I have a passion for songlyrics, had it since Smashing Pumpkin`s Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness came) to:
Lorde, Team Highasakite: My Name is Liar+++
The Slow Show, Dresden Daniel Kvammen! Luve! Ferrari
Team Me, June, I Killed Sarah V..Lowell.
Jimi Tenor, Moonfolk, & Tame Impala, Let it Happen
John Maus, All Aboard/Skjønte du spøken!??
CocoRosie: Child Bride London Grammar, Metal & Dust
Iris Viljanen, Ska vi fira
All That We´ve Become
Coming: Jumpsuit. Umbrella Song.
Scroll down! What is this lyrics- page? Its u.t.t.e.r.a.n.c.e.s, my short texts, pamflets and lyrics on life events and aftermaths. Why? To live with a voice and to set focus on. And? Because knowledge bring social change, and empathy in peoples heads & hearts.
/poems / texts:
Music Magic. (Music Magic. (Music
This lyrics 2 site is also here because I lost my hardware with tons of stuff over 5 years ago, and folders with my sketches and ideas for works of tapestry, comics, illustrations and songs. Loss of my sketches has unfortunately happened years ago also. But when 14 000 files is missing and also private notes, its just creepy to know. What to do? Well, I had to start a new life. My pamfleths became an answer to this loss, and I wrote with selfirony and satire- aiming to say: i have my mind with me this time. My pamfleth(self published in 2015) with thinking on writing in a dissociated state and songs for music as a theme, was with a goal: to be my own bodyguard as I that year was sued by someone, who I had not let my guard down to. This is over though, and new beginnings are now.
<3 t
hold my hand, thoughts on relational traumas.
I carried him, he was heavy, but I did why would I not, he was so small and why hide when everything is ok?
and, listn, this other guy, he said in shame: its my fault, my fault, what they have done why wouldnt, shouldnt i be her and be here to write: no, you are wrong: they do because they think they can. And I Iove you in this life, as a sister, but also as her that was there sometimes with this to say: I hold my hand where you did- its for those who dont know how we get parted when broken, left out or let down.
so throw your hand to, but dont do so if you are in this without true feelings .
Music Magic. (eufori) Da jeg var fem bodde jeg på Sørlandet hadde loft og kjeller åker med høner ved der var det myrullenger trær med hasselnøtter og kratt med bjørnebær. Som syvåring er jeg ikke der lenger i sånne steder, vi tok bilen og kjørte Norge på langs til leirete strender og da nærmet vi oss visst Nord Trøndelag og nå har vi bodd i ett brunt hus der plankene er tvers over kappet mot en blek mur på en bakketopp en stund, der sola ikke klarer få seg opp det er mørketid der og bare der, ikke i svingen jeg ser i enden av dalen der det bor ett trillingpar tenk det nesten som meg men nå har jeg tenkt å si det jeg skulle si: at jeg sitter i radiokroken og lytter til tilbudet som finnes der i nrk av musikre sånn som dette her han har ett stort instrument og det er ikke sekkepipe denne gangen men jeg sier ingenting bare forsvinner i meg opp over gulvet som at jeg ikke er kropp og er i dette en venn med det som spilles jeg er i ett med universet og har ett hjerte som banker i iver og at det er så stort et helt fantastisk menneske er jeg i ensomhet med musikken som må ha vært et stykke av en musiker jeg ikke husker men jeg tror det var Garbarek eller Cat Stevens eller nei det var ett klassisk stykke uten solist bare veldig vakkert toner for deg og meg. THS
Girl in May
this was me,
my voice was there,
I loved music,
the lyrics in songs,
I listened to them,
and looked to my poems,
piled as now,
I was too, careful not to
show my inner strife,
this made me write like this:
I wrote this song, if
you want to, you can use it,
but only if you delete my writings
before you use it.
Signed then by me, as myself, but without my right name.
©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
My Little Friend
whats you at
and where are you
can we not
try together
this again,
to have what was,
a company,
I love to write,
and you can do,
I love your voice,
and then we are two,
building this forever,
songs for you,
and songs for them,
to be yourself in and in-
Human People,
walking with people, march2021
Kindness Adored
Girl girl
growing up
and today,
he suddenly,
grabbed my thigh,
some say its gravity,
and hormones,
that keep them,
men, marching,
at hands,
they like us humble,
and sedative,
but I am just human,
and want myself to be.*
*Its the perspective of women I know. I have shared the same perspective myself all time since I was a teenager, and still do: Men should leave girls to be safe and human in every aspect of life. THS
Magic. (MusicMagic. (MusicMagic. (Mu
Flowergarden, For Love & Earth
(the future aim: and for future life Earth:
etter førsteutkast skrevet juli 2022:
the garden fell and everyone it fell
just disappeared
: so so so
the cup with leaves and coast so dear it fell
the child in come running and a garden fifty yards of and the buildings fell
my earnings love and every living little thing
he rose and off and off
: and and and
please my Grandpa I saw the ghost of you -you had your hat on.
"They are insane" you sadly say,
me: «I, I why shall I write when I am scared
: and and and
I will lose them as I did when I was young»
the garden fell and everyone it fell
just disappeared
the child in come running and a garden fifty yards of and the buildings fell
my earnings love and every living little thing
he rose and off and off
: so so so
Grandpa please will you get back and see them turn this living tide of men in fight*
*I want to explain this lyric, first written to work as a song, the aim is also to want to be friend with the side of publicity that makes things go wrong. But my Grandpa, he passed away in the start of the epidemic. When I phoned the hospital, they couldnt let me speek to him, as he was isolated as many who got sick were in those frantic days, so, also, I didnt get to see him a last time, before he was gone, because of the resrictions back then. In my life, after I got more sadded, with losses, though I do my best, I have been thinking of a passage in a book, and about a conversation with my Grandpa a year or so before he died, about this: when men brutalize each others relationship with their women or woman. He had been thinking about this, and so have I, in my life, hoped that a man would have a choice and voice the friendship and love for a woman in his life. Of course life is short, and it is perhaps when we hinders each others love in life we dont have what we need most: friends. And of course women too do wrong. Is not black & white.
++som barn ser en mot forstandige voksne kanskje, og tror noen av dem allmektige. Men om teksten skulle si noe så er det hva vi må ta vare på vi mennesker på jorda nå, som
er vennskap.
Hello, and love to those coping with aftermaths of trauma. To be heard and seen is difficult, dont give up.
SO you know someone with a heavy past? Please dont let them go, and have in mind: if you are close in time to his or her trauma she/he might have trouble recovering
Vår Tids Utsatte:
Hunchback L,
Amnesiac long Gone
Uphill Life Giver
me a a a a dragging me a leg a a again
some mockumentary made fictionally
its on loving som freak
like him
its on loving som freak
like her
you a a a
forgetful friend
after hits and yelling
yeah hhhhe n hnad you when you was elleven
see them every whims
men in suits
its a marriage
but then hell nn
sayin, oh well,
to me, nothing but trouble,
no how would her love
give you anything but
uphill struggle
its on loving som freak
like him
its on loving som freak
like her
you a a a
forgetful friend
so then, we will be afraid to
ever love again
why with my hand,
why with kissing,
once brim and
no, I ll back again,
why loving a freak
like me
©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
(-diktet er om(legges til 28.01.2022) det å være ensom og å ikke være elskbar fordi man har en did, dissosiativ skade, kompleks ptsd, eller enkel ptsd diagnose.
though this I Remind you:
Fourteen years after I dont give anyone my lyrics to hand out or let use of. My lyrics are just for my own use.
Frases, 03.03.2021
"Enjoy Your Style"
(I get flau(embarrased) when people think I write about them or their friend, so..:)
walking my town,
empathy lost in some absent song,
guess you know,
who I am supposed to be writing of,
its sad, to this day,
that you find it amusing that I even cared,
cared to share my words when I was
younger and stranger,
but I noe laonger am,
and I no longer do,
I no longer do,
nothing then, is my answer to them.
Walking With Roses walkwithroses
Om vennskap mellom kjønn
Thoughts on Ferrantes book 1, 30 july 2017 :
I believe this is A book Written to a Brother for him to see what he is surrounded by & I do think its written with love
Scarecrows & Widgets
Brother(as in Friend), where to put this anger.
I cant anything but see.
Brother, where to put this anger. I cant anything but see what scared me as a child still scares me. Men, their aggression and fights with or without fists. And then, as from the sidewalk, or in some window, from the side: what did you all become. The morning was mocking me, this pile of books off from some mans hand between thighs. In a daydream, he came by, said, do you remember, or did you close your eyes to them bullying us, and I: no lyar, dont do this to me, what else than to put him down and regress into writing instead. And to find words elsewhere.
-Tonje Høydahl Sørli
On A Print for You:
startet med dette: et kurs i tekstiltrykk og tegning på tekstil ved KHIO, da jeg gikk der. Jeg fikk lyst til å lage klesmerker og tegnet slike merker som jeg tenkte kunne passe mennesker jeg kjente. Det var humor og varme i merkene, som var FOR å være jentete, guttete, venninnete, rosa, menstruerende, feministisk, furten, sinna, forelsket, og helt for kvinner i ditt liv, og glad i steder, dyr og litteratur. Selve tittelen på klesmerke-prosjektet spiller på slogans og merkvevarer slik de forsøkte selge produkter det første tiåret av 2000. Motivene hentet jeg fra fantasi, det jeg observerte, og fra apropriasjon fra illustrasjoner, tegneserier og faktabøker og reklame. Fortsatt lager jeg klesmerker som er FOR å være noe man liker å gjøre, eller er.
Listening to Tobias Jesso Jr. -True Love:
this song isnt for distance
or avoidance,
and makes me think,
as I am listening,
of an article and intervieuw,
in Aftenposten,
years ago, that I read,
about a young couple,
somewhere on this earth,
working hard to make it,
having little money,
him waiting for her to come home,
working late and working for each other,
anything for you.
And I thought and I think,
about this everything for someone,
where one need each other,
as a silent answer to this strange worlds loving.
Title Rhapsody
Title Rhapsody, 03.03.2021:
Dikt-titler jeg liker, utvalgt blant noen av de jeg har skrevet siste to år:
-Dear Red
-Red Neck
-Fleksible in Work and Life
-When its Babylon in Amsterdam
-Sur Indre Stemme
-Money Makers & Fall Outs
-Bossy Him Kingdom
-Dear Thadnos
THe Silent Song
-Feeble/så dumt
-Marshmellow Lips
-Ferr a Ante
-Band for Stayers
-Psykososialt stress i Skolemiljø
The Healing Day, Bill Fay: It'll be O.K. On the healing day. No more goin' astray. On the healing day. Yea we'll find our way. On the healing day. To where the children play. On the healing day. When the tyrant is bound. And the tortured freed from his pain, and the lofty brought to the ground. And the lowly raised. Ain't so far away The healing day.
Lyrics 1 On This Site:
These days I prefer to publish here on this website. Right now I dont have anyone or anywhere I share my lyrics but this place. So my lyrics will not be for anyone, or for any project these days, but my own. Please have a look, if you are now here on this website, you are welcome to have a read. Nice to have you here.:)
I got support from Kunstløftet in 2014 to do a comic-project on trauma-reactions, and will work on this as a theme (amongst others) in some of my projects a little longer. Right now the shortlyrics here on this site are written and published over several years. They cover the core of living in the aftermath of trauma, which is a life too many live today. My writing about dissociation*, is done to highlight post trauma-living. As an artist I have chosen to read about and focus on Onno von der Hart, Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon and Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis thoughts on post-trauma-reactions Besides from this, my focus in lyrics has always firstly been personal, on feelings, and secondly to that on relations.
Though a direct tone- I dont write about anyone I have known or know on this site. And I hope I dont offend anyone with my lyrics-prosject. Most I write comes out of what I love in life, and that is how you and me relate, observe and reflect as friends and lovers.
All lyrics©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
Do follow me on Instagram:
On Facebook: once probably also under a pseudonym, but today this is not my thing, though the use pseudonyms was quite common in artists careers back when I also made use of this teqhnique to get things said.
Elana, Spind 1982
she in the cottage,
walking into water with her, feet,
it was little toe, and then the hand,
she hug me and I saw her as friend,
she read to us,
in her kitchen,
the book of Ferrante,
but me a a a a ame me only a child,
till I got to her door,
where she had turned her face down,
she said she was another, another,
than herself,
and I saw her head when,
when we passed as neighbours in the street.*
* This lady was my neighbour at Sørlandet, where I lived for four years. She told me people thought of her as crazy. Though she wasnt a friend I must have trusted her,
But Why , Ungdomskilden:
the worst thing I think, about traumatizing experiences in your youth, for those that happens to, is grief at being changed, forever not to be who you once were, feeling absolute lonely, and living in fright that those you care for could experience the same as yourself.
On me:.
I had no language for my experiences. Except to try to guard myself and those I loved. But then, I started writing, and to try to reach those I loved through lines. My lyrics I did put almost everywhere in my youth, and I gave away my lyrics as well, but I wont say I suceeded in my reaching out though(wich is what I actually tried to do), partly because I was so secretive about my lyrics. Still, my rhymes and lines are out there, for someone to see. That again, is also a bit typical for someone like me to do, to reach out without being seen or heard, and is also why people with traumas live with a heart that is open to them that gets it, or else it keeps silent. This is my words to you as my reader, not to you as someone I know.
©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
When Artists finner sitt sted
summer so,
will you as past years,
pull me under in this.
Didnt remember,
that ill behavoir, of yours,
even the hounddog looked worried.
In the water, me I wasnt eager,
no one there deepseadiving like him,
his breath inside,
with bubbles to surface,
as he stumble up the beach,
and I sit there,
later, to laughter,
angried eyes into a shell,
and to despice myself,
adoralbe am I, or trusting,
in them glasses, yours,
and though I felt as seven years by your gang of friends,
is what I will remember the best,
the girl with yellow hair that flirted with you,
and I swallowed water, felt ashamed,
also that I felt sorry for you,
when you couldnt find your goggles,
you rushed to the ocean,
looked in the sand,
and I thought of money,
how you perhaps couldnt afford a new pair,
and how well you got your gaze- elsewhere this time.
later a student,
you disappeared,
I miss you still,
though noone can tell,
I watch your silence,
and that yellow haired friend,
she always came walking late as myself.
the sea was cold,
my hand wasnt mine.
when I were young, and you was bold.*
*This collage of old and new poems is written for someone I sometimes think of as he was a friend in my youth.
Tender Plants to Grow This Year
Im the
bid me
but I
I am
they make use of my
but then I
I never show
I never show
you know, I never show
Im little little
lights and movecontrol
waking up in fright
keeping out of sight
see their gardens growing
blooming, taking over
greens and yellows
flowerbuds and watery leaves
--- .---
I hid in your mothers
behind bushes
she telling me to leave
oh please
I begged,
let me have a face
but Im little little,
lights and movecontrol
I never show
I never show
you know, I never show*
* When to have a voice and be part of. and to participate in change is my project, and then losing my anthem and favourite lyrics or works, getting nothing sold, just given away.. this will change you and your interest in this world. To this I will add that this project was not mine anymore, after I lost access to the computer it was written on. Loss of passwords is also sth I have in mind.
Still I think this is a changing world, but we have little to give each other when every other human is giving in vain.*
*added 21.10.2019, Sørli
Nervous Song/2014
version II
In feelings his head explodes
(in flowers)
as the summer goes
hasnt seen it,
her dress against,
against his legs,
I know,
some women vibrates,
in evening glow,
as others grow silent and alone,
this boat to the island,
of nevermore,
she who liked him,
cant but see,
that they slowly agree:
he is more handsome,
more handsome than
than she is to he.-
is he in distress, so
I cant but care:
that he is choosing
this that awkwards me.
Where did You Run>>>>>i et traumatisert menneske må noen bevare respekten for verden uten å ha dette med i sin hukommelse: hvor brutalt livet kan være mot de sårbare i vårt univers.
The comic Imprint, is on becoming distant when having triggers. A trigger is a reminder, almost as an imprint, in self and feelings, that makes you lose yourself for a second. I first learnt about this frozen way of staring of a psychologist that worked with refugees. Frozen gazes is a normal and healthy state when driving a bus or doing something you often do. As a post trauma reaction this distant glare is not dangerous or harmfull. Its just a brain pausing in the middle of everything.
(My)Female Gaze
To turn
around and
there you stood
tan an all
gav ham et manus
dette kan vi ikke lage bok av
sa han
pandemic poem >>>
march 2020
Dear Earth
I saw a bat,
made me say ou ou ou,
its eyes, and awkward smile,
I felt timid, and soon,
now just let me say ou ou ou,
and now the dolphines are singing,
and inside town they saw a deer,
and the wild pig entered centre,
it had kids, it had kids,
it did have kids,
I saw a bat,
the day, the day the virus came,
and we cant but stay inside,
I look to news,
and even youngsters get ill,
they say nature strikes back,
but I dont know,
its nothing nothing nothing I want more,
than to see this as someone elses world.
I teksten over brukes mitt billedvevarbeid "Lille Pjusk" som illustrasjon. Denne vevde jeg til en oppgave i fagdidaktikk. Motivet i veven er appropriert fra Carl Barks sin tegneseriehistorie Jul i pengelens fra 1954. Og ble til med et behov for å si med vev hvor avmektig jeg følte meg som enslig mor med liten til ingen inntekt på egne arbeider, og det å leve på en inntekt under fattigdomsgrensa over flere år.
Og om lyrikk jeg har skrevet vil jeg si: det er utenforskap å gjøres bruk av uten å være ordentlig involvert. Dikt og tekst som på ulikt vis har havnet hos deg vil jeg ha tilbake. Vær snill og ikke gjør bruk av dikt uten at jeg er involvert i ditt prosjekt med meg tilstede.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
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' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
All lyrics on this website---->>©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
All lyrics on this page---->>©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
My pamphlets Waiting, Cocker Spaniel, The Only Mother(Håp, Sorg og Fødsel), You on the Island, Kapittel 11. Empending Doom & Gloom. Og Secrets too ++ are not here anymore because I dont want them to. Futhermore: these pamphlets are not for sale or for share or use anywhere.
they say she is gone, 1498
perhaps she is a victim of modern marketing strategies!
& Up & Up.
yesterday she sighed:
why are they moaning as we pass,
m m m a ma ma ma ma
today I looked down,
another man spitting, all right,
m m m m ma ma ma ma
what happend to this world,
its like every other thing we do,
will make a lense, will hurt us back,
when we are without support,
my hand to my rinning eye,
becomes a pretend to cry,
my hand to my chest,
is just what he forgot,
a back with pain so I sigh,
is seen as a plan for mockery*
©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
* This is Norway 2019, and its five years back, that I realised: I cant talk, cse there is real hate in them, its not dialogue here anymore, but spite and venge and being on guard, and even artists now put intentions in artworks and lyrics that the maker do not have.*
Black Umbrella
to cry at night
make you walk,
to look into my eyes,
is everything right,
dear, was I thirteen year old,
Petter stood in the woods,*
looking dark, they said:
lets make a movie,
yeah lets make a movie,
a honnie, red dress and black eyes,
just do this and do that,
and later her amnesia
will cover it all,
but then you will find her,
a cupid star, twentyone,
twentyeight years old,
but I cant free you from him,
who forced you, and me,
into loosing all hopes
for truth and love,
as years passed I have seen you,
anywhere in town,
walking empty, with dark pits in ur arms,
isnt that ironic, I know.
As if to let go, it had to be rockn roll or drugs over all.
And to sudden hide your hand
into the sleeve, as if a child appear,
in you as you meet with me,
or is just fun that you are on a date with her, who feebles the button in her dress,
and looks down.*
* This lyric Black Umbrella is written to my project on Dog/hip-Roses.
* The name in the lyric is not related to my life in reality, its just one name that I thought could be used when writing about kids hanging out in a neighbourhood. This lyric is also written to comment how unfair life is, when aggression wins.
*And how awful it is when someone have you on tape, in a movieclip, or use your lyrics when you are too young to say no, and loose yourself when suddenly everyone know.
så seg aldri som dronning,
i et øyeblikk har hun snudd seg,
og ser med sorg,
det er vel ikke sånn,
at hun har noe annet,
hun en gang var,
en kvinne med en forening,
en mening og et verv,
at hun har vært stolt av seg selv,
men så skal hun for alltid være,
hun som ikke sa hvem hun var.
The Quilt and the Beggar 1/Woman in Tower
of Song
Whats the lyrics about? 11 april 2017
This is from me when listening.
Listening then, as a mother: To Wide Lovely Eyes from the Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds album Push the Sky Away-2013.
Wide Lovely Eyes
its Hide & Seek, and a song to a child, yes- I get the impression that the lyrics is written to a child, so:
The mother stands in the window as the father takes their child to child-care. Though everyone does, it feels strange to send the child away all day. As a family they are still working on that: The absence of child to get work done. And the child,
to cope with the absence of mom and dad. The child, with a small childs open eyes, and strides in her dress, waves to her mother, saying goodbye with her hands that still cant wave, instead they look like butterflies with fluttering wings, butterflies bending, and she is waving butterflies into the sky, and her mother answers the waving, or does the perspective change here, does she - the mother, suddenly, see herself as from a loved ones perspective: His eyes on her as her brain implodes and her hands goes up, up, a goodbye to a man, no,
and when she gets to her computer she wonders what world her child now caves into, perhaps a magical landscape that she herself
has left, yes through a tunnel of leaves down to the sea, and as grown-ups we can only try to imagine what our children do all day, and how they struggle to cope without their guides in life for many hours in row, yes ,
grown-ups close down the fun fair in our minds, and the the competitiondrive in men end up killing mermaids and creativity, and so we try to
keep the real threats of terror away by telling jokes.
In the experience of becoming a mum her brain is expanding, growing, the world is full of worry, and that while she and all organize surroundings to cope, and try to fill gatherings of friends with laughter,
and yes, me, sometimes I miss organizing shoes after shoesize and color and to look onto the world with curiosity.
Or as some girl said,
after she accidently had over-
heard a grownup conversation:
Næmanæmma died? She asked
with a serious look in her eyes. And I jumped at her having heard
my words, which were not
for her ears, and at her
already there to look for
answers I was afraid to
give. So, the world has
changed, I, we know.
And thats what
Wide Lovely Eyes
reminded me of.
Oslo Spektrum 6th June 2017
Alle Ble Flaue/ Aa Bb Fau
Aaa Bbbb Faaau
(efil ym fo flaH)
(half of my life I fooled my loved)
Thoughts on daydreaming and a concert,
writing then as some strange lady
amongst audience,
and how do we listen to noise,
its in the background,
and what I hear is on
men in a row
they love(hope that you) it when you choke,
happy to serve you, was he,
Thom Yorke and every true musician,
no glam or glitter,
but knowledge, warmth and a strange glare,
some affects perhaps,
moves o a girl I cannot see,
she moves her body and Thom
does too,
sweetfaced ones that
we all can love,
thats whats happen when
you think youre in place,
perhaps a future in a song,
creator has a kit to make
an identity to come forth
in a once loved,
sadly, Groundhogday makes
no way,
no, truth will mess you up,
the true tale of your life will mess you up,
him a grey jacket, that hair,
always a new door, endless corridors
and then the sudden smirk.
All this just to say:
lovenlove to Radiohead.
Nähe, Thankful Song
Thought On
the ballet Sleepless Beauty,
Oslo 7ht May 2017
Persefone & the rest
it a mans hand on your chest and neck
and me walking into
the foajé
as I say abuse, abuse, abuse
to lay in love
is to have man above
till the mothers eyes
turn sore
blackn white suites
and them holding apartments
for little lovers
without regard to any other
like a child walking into
sleepless nights as her mum
working double shifts again
couldnt that make
a beauty, blackened eyes
till the mountain as a curtain
his finger pointing to th sky
and then they fold
her green dress and possible
evil plans for futuristic towns,
till the end that I loved:
Curtain, drapery, and the
lift of her
he lifted her.
-H Sørli
Noen Anmeldelser som er blitt gammelt nytt >>>>>>
Lines, on Motivation, in Norwegian
hvis eg skreiv, verkeleg skreiv og ikkje oppfatta dette med hovudet i skyane og ballongar under føtene så ville eg ha spurt kan eg skrive på nynorsk for det var eg god til på ungdomsskulen der eg hadde verdas beste norsklærarinne er nynorsken min no blitt kavete og rar så var det ein gong ho som hjalp og lærte meg å skrive skildringar eller var det da ho krevde det av klassen at eg oppdaga korleis eg såg på verda for vi skulle skrive ei skildring, ja eit sommerminne, og da skreiv eg korleis det var å rusle opp Karl Johan ein sommerdag alle luktane og lydane, bandet som spelte i gata, og ein gut som kikka på meg og så las ho mi stil høgt som så mange gonger seinare, for klassen, eg prøvde hardt å ikkje bli for stolt, men kvifor, endeleg var det noko eg verkeleg kunne, som akkurat eg var god på, eg kunne skrive, og om det seinare skulle bli noko som ble brukt mot meg så visste eg det ikkje da, heldigvis, det var lenge før folk stimla saman over ein pc på ein fest mens dei kikka spakt på meg og mumla at dei skulle finne noko, vi finn dei ikkje, filane er borte, ikkje sant, ja, men kva hvis eg hadde ein motivasjon anna enn å skrive om det eg såg og hørte fordi eg samla på sånt, så skal eg åpenhjerta nå si til deg at hei, eg har kapsla inn desse minnane, dette hendte meg, og eg har ikkje sagt dei til nokon, og då dei hadde vokse og brunne opp inne i meg til eg ikkje orka meir så putta eg dei inn i ei ramme og den ramma heitte ei forteljing, og hvis du finn forteljinga vil du kanskje klare å se dei øyeblikka som eg egentlig ville si deg men som eg ikkje turde på grunn av ei trussel om utsletting, og det er sørgeleg men det er menn, dei øyeblikka og den utslettinga er menn. Og eg skal leve kvar dag med hovudet på denne halsen og ryggen og eg skal fortsatt ikkje vise at det som kan skake nokon inn i ei anonym tilværelse er menn, for så tidleg, altfor tidleg tråkker unge jenter inn i menn, eller er det omvendt, men ja dei har nett sprunge ut med frekner over nasen og små knoppar av bryst, ja akkurat da tar ei grov hand tak i deg ikkje sant og du skjøner at no for alltid så må eg være på vakt, og det berre fordi du ikkje er eit barn lengre.
^selfportrait from 2014/15, old stuff,
on being in love when people and places are toxic: the result is brainfog.
Waves of Guilt, 15.03.2019
Friday Morning
tried to start the day
with Pretty Pimpin,
by Kurt Vile,
then I turned to
Closer My God,
of Mikko Joensuu,
just to remind
myself of how the thirties
slowly changed to forty,
n cant anything but say
we always used to
see things in a humoristic way,
but then crosses come, right,
n as we are turning grey,
most of us rightly closer to a god,
but then, this morning, we started to sing,
with a little musicly guilt
One uf Us,
one of is,
yes, always in love.*
* Musikk gjør livet bedre, men hva gjør du med musikken?
Den burde jo overstrøs som krymmel men blir bare hufset vekk inn i ungdomstid og selvforakt. Men her i mitt hjem, sang vi i dag, også gikk vi til skole og jobb med roser i kinnene tross alt.
high heels heading out-
I was told to leave a lovers night,
heard him whisper
as I walked,
oh no oh
my pinkerbell,
I that got so many things to tell,
had a folder
with that name,
started in a kitchen 2000,
a sudden comfort
from a man
gave me a secret crush,
I wrote poems
that later accidently ended in all ears
laugther filled
but then you are
an instrumentalist
to the core
my hand against
your neck to
put the collar right
your comment
on this
would be
already you are
correcting me
my hand against
your neck to
put the collar right
it my grandma
hands in move from
inside me
and I never questioned
it to be anything but
© Tonje Høydahl Sørli
* and I still think it is: an act of care.
Reverse in Hand & Backwards Give
oh why
dont give me
whats mine,
50 000 from my
solitary fund
and she wouldve
had a room on her own
did he regret it
as he stopped
my reverse in hand
no dont do this to me
I I I that wrote songs
and verses from my
little town
we sat on the beach
and he fell in love
with any other than me
piles of books and him
perhaps as south
as any man
in north can be
so you lay me down
if you dont behave
your belt lit a light
till I scratched myself *
left marks
on my chest
didnt I
him road
was a backwards give
did you hurt yourself
or me
* This lyric is written to describe retraumatisation by violence, and self harm. To inflict self harm is a way to control your feelings. Its a normal reaction to/after abnormal experiences or abuse, but often scary to witness for those you love. If you know anyone that inflict self-harm, know its a language thats about outer harm turned inward. Help him/her to get calm, help him/her get out of harming relations, and in the length he/she will also need help to place shame where it belongs.
Numbing and Immobility
they say this movie
is a eye into someones
world, elsewhere,
I think we make too many a girls life a struggle
living in Norway as well,
stimes its like this world likes to think that shame and family first dont exist in white middleclass
if you find yourself in offices or in schools with silenced and frightened youngsters, help them
Sth I care about: (rettmessig innehaver av diktet er meg Tonje Høydahl Sørli, som skrev det):
chloroform isnt for a
fourteen yrs old,
lipstick neither,
and if she wanted be a woman,
she did also think he cared,
but in the toilet god.
see stains of coagulated blood,
a child always taken away,
n this is evil in me you know,
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world
in the car so quiet,
and where to drive with he,
then without a towel in the stairs,
to drain her from this life and veins,
she did think he was a vet,
the oldest in this town,
to get the curse and shame away,
she was wanted and a child with child,/plenty,
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world
n this is what they say:
willing and without shame,
when truth is threatning (he was a man) and she: a girl who tried to be kind.
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world
why living girls is this our world*
This lyric is my thoughts on abortion and pregnancy in very young girls, and older too of course. I believe, in Norway, we like to think of ourselves as a country that treat women and girls well. Im not to say I think so. The shaming of girls is still alive and living in this country. This perhaps isnt true to you, or perhaps it is. Myself, I believe that very few think of feminine values and virtues as important today. So listen: What is life in a stomach but to be a child, however who wants this or not, if she wants it.
Letter too, 12.07.2018
Denne teksten er ment som en kommentar til de som velger å avføye metoo. Likevel er mitt perspektiv at det å offentliggjøre folk ikke burde høre med som en del av metoo. Å sette lys på erfaringer som skader eller gjør utrygg, i oppvekst, utdanningsløp, tidlig karriere eller yrkesliv, var en gang mitt ønske for en metoo-bevegelse i Norge. Drop-out understreket dette i 2004.
det er lenge siden jeg skrev til deg,
jeg pleide det, Kjære Du, og hilsen:
Evig Din. Du var dagboka mi. Men selv
ikke i deg skrev jeg om sånt som
tidlig skremte meg. I dag tenker jeg
det var fordi jeg ikke hadde et
vokabular om eller en innsikt i
sånt som var motsatsen til det å
være god, som gjorde at jeg kunne
skrevet om det. Det var ikke ord der,
i forhold til de som handlet og valgte slemt, men heller følelser, reaksjoner og handlinger.
I dag står det igjen om megogså på nett,
og jeg tenker noe som forsvinner, og som og bør nevnes
i debatten om hvem som "egentlig
trakasserer": kvinner eller menn,
er psykisk vold. Som er en vold som dessuten
ofte kommer før fysisk vold.
Psykisk vold er det å bølle med,
herme etter, avvise, neglisjere, isolere,
ignorere, nekte å høre på, dominere,
gjøre mindre, true, invalidere, la
være å inkludere, diskreditere, benekte,
kritisere, og kommandere.
Er ikke det da, slik, at den som nekter
å ta inn over seg #metoo, megogså,
som en del
av en virkelighet mange kvinner lever i, egentlig på indirekte vis driver med den samme volden som var med på å kickstarte hele #metoo bevegelsen?
Og hva slags følelser oppstår i farvannet av det å igjen få sitt perspektiv og sine erfaringer avvist annet enn følelser som følger nettopp psykisk og fysisk vold? Som avmakt, skam, redsel, følelse av skyld,
depresjon, pessimisme, unngåelse
og tristhet.
Å leve i stillhet
for å slippe å bli avvist burde ikke
være et valg. Så da skriver jeg til den
som har problemer med #metoo, megogså:
lytt i stedet for å fortsette den neglekten det å avvise andres stemmer er.
-Tonje Høydahl Sørli
This is why, With a referance to Bakhtin and his thoughts on polyphony, I Write and Make Art:
Industriell Rock.
industri med bismak., liten tid til treff i helga. gikk forbi i 5 minutter. mistet røyken. mistet umbreroen. gikk mot henne i 2 minutter. gikk inn igjen. mistet tiden underveis. gikk pervo på pcen hennes. tok ansvar etterpå, og lot være å gi henne filene. dro på ferie. gikk langt på ferien. likte mange bilder på insta. gikk tur med bøfler også gikk jeg ikke mot henne etter det. etter det ble jeg liten og bortgjemt. så gikk det bort alt sammen. morsomt med musikk i livet mitt. det liker jeg. men så er jeg musiker egentlig. ikke sånn som du tror. istedet gikk det ikke. minsten ble redd og så gikk det ikke bra. han lot være å si ifra, til det er altfor få likegyldige og derfor har jeg mistet fokus.*
* Slik som dette skrev jeg for 16 år siden. Ikke her på nettsiden, som ikke er eldre enn 4-5 år, men inn i et skjema for bilder til en utstilling. Senere mistet jeg teksten, som ikke er helt utrolig til meg å være, siden jeg alltid skrev, men som du likevel vil se av nettsiden min
formidler jeg at jeg savner tekster og manus, som ikke er i mine hender lenger. Blant annet derfor har jeg skrevet litt om Mikhail Bakhtin, og hans tanker om ytringer, og det å bli sett og hørt. Det jeg liker med tekst er å være min egen sjef, uten å ha noen som involverer seg eller bestemmer hva jeg kan si eller ikke. Derfor mener jeg også at alvor er der, ikke ironi eller avvisning. For hvis jeg ikke kan si, hvor står jeg da som menneske? Dette og da med Bakhtins tekster om respekt for den andres stemme, og ulikhet, i tankene.
Music. innskutt. setning./snurr film /hestehale/hodefoting
iiii messages
i i messages
Id do it again
Id do it again
I I I I messages
I I messages
you me
me am you
its you in me’
and you me
I I I I messages
I I messages
Id do it again
Id do it again *
* your voice. your thoughts. your feelings.
Bakhtin is my refernce on this,
Thom Yorke striking in London*
this is a a a
this i i i i i sis
evening boost
my tapestries in row,
on on oh its on
being small vs big, or strong,
what makes he
not greet me,
but, before I go,
to claim I am leaving
as Anna,
when I came as
myself, artist and mum,
Anna leaves, oh
then Anna leaves,
then to take her little hand,
earlier they had gathered, twenty dark youngsters at Walthamstow Central,
the speaker screamed:
this is evacuating alarm,
we found a sign to
the gallery and me
as always pretending
that everything was fine,
buying icecream,
and the riot disappeared,
Anna leaves, oh
then Anna leaves,
waking up without sleep,
they shrieked past my window all night,
the smell of
garbage and London
built on the old,
so then I listened to the
neighbours talk.
I did pretend to be them,
them with the talk,
of couse,
till our flight was
and I rebooked and
then we left.
Wave then to this,
remembered stillness
in a friend:
He gazed behind,
over his shoulder,
as I once did,
oh Dear Yorke, this is,
why do we do this work,
like this, its nothing but pain, is it.
Anna leaves, oh
then Anna leaves.
* I used to have names. And I used to be proud of them. So this
lyric is written with a
thought on that.
Giblets, Gibbons, Burglar,
My Last Song(2017)
are awaiting
are awaiting
a break down
7 year old
7 year old
20 year million
20 year million
with no friends
in music buisness
its bisniss
they say
she lives in a one room
we want the world to bow
in the hall of fame
we are nothing but burglars
noone will know.
Sailing in Stripes*
uniform at sea
it a salty eye and candyme
sayin you are my only friends,
made me feel sorry for all of us,
and then as always someone faked a traged death
me crying then to pier
and lay lifless as always too
in printed summerdress
and then you lifted your glass
evil and unmature
or was it me imagining your
salty eye, queen and Anna(e)
salty eye, queen and Anna(e)
king and all the rest
cowardice was to never tell the truth
wood, wood,
I see your mother
And now I am scaring you.
©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
I Am Another,
shuffled through the streets
a tired santa with
his white beard
came to my door
and said he was
another too
: I am a woman deep
inside, was that
the thing then,
: Just as you are
a man,
his eyes were scared,
so I thought, oh no
I know who sent you
to climb my stairs,
once I saw that in
m m m m m too,
and to say goodbye to
people that I like,
yes Id rather stand in
a crowd
and see you do well
on stage,
and now to tell you:
I was never a man,
but once, in a moment,
I took a mans best traits
just to survive.
This Spring
they say
with windows open
little is to fear,
but you know
the truth:
There are nothing more dangerous
than words,
in the bar their eyes gleiten
they want him to switch
just to have proof
if he muttered,
no but he wont:
I will never greet you as
the old friend you are
I know your gaze, posture
and hand
I remember a sentence, the shock
and smells,
in the bar their eyes gleiten
they want him to switch
just to have proof
artists learn skills noone else does
they play with genders and feelings
and become what others are
its not the same as
being a man.*
* To explain this lyric I write this: Many female artists and writers have done this throughout the history: taken a mans name as pseudonym, or tried to write or create with the "gusto" of a man. This because of perspectives and expectations of women, both now and then.
Perhaps this is also why summers become strange and foggy for youngsters in May:
Men før det, i bilen på vei hjem så hadde de en samtale som var omtrent slik:
Hun: (fortvilet) Hva sa jeg, altså jeg bare, sa jeg at jeg hadde skrevet en Monsterhit?
Han: Ja, nå har det snæppa for deg altså, ALLE vet jo dessuten at det er jeg som skriver låter.
Hun: Herregud så flaut.
Han: (stille)
Hun: Kanskje jeg bare et lite øyeblikk skulle ønske jeg var deg, var i dine sko. Ja, tok noen av dine eh..ja du er jo så vellykket..ikke projeksjon, hva er det, attribuerte noen av dine karaktertrekk?
Han: Godt mulig, du er jo i en fortvilet livssituasjon.
Hun: Ja,*
When Talking, /Humour and the Spirit that Slipped of the Page or / When I Tried to Stop Being the Altruistic and Anonymous Writer but Failed and Started a Yearlong Mourning /
When Talking
I didn`t
All lyrics ©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
That is what a text once was about: The trigging everyday life in the aftermaths of traumatic experiences. Be kind.
Losers Can Win(ref Starwalker)/
Thirteen, Seventeen, 1996/97/98
crybaby see
what are they,
I cant see them human, please,
them on the bike,
and his frightened rushing,
while this agent stood in the stairway,
he told me in childish words:
how difficult it is to drive all this
fucking way,
yesterday he had droven into the coast,
between Nærøy and Vikna, yes almost blind,
but the lyrics please?
I told him it was written by hand,
and had been sent off with someone else:
"he came by last week,
with a stringent look and a occupied mind,"
and with a laugh, yes he
come, lets bike, its autumn,
we will find a way to grieve,
yes this is us blinded,
and we lost again, *
* This lyric is on writing when young and trusting. And also on how it is to see those you love in distress.
I see his smile
in you
I see his smile
in you
I hear his laughter too
in you
his way,
how are the words he tell
does he whisper,
what does he do,
they owe me
in all their human ways?
Though even Bob Dylan
says winners are not like him,
so we will enter the outside
and walk in mud,
and thats when
we realize:
We always lived our indoor
lives in surround.
En liten tekst om hat og elsk, feb 2019
vi holdt oss sammen,
på grunnlag av hav
og av et norsk slaveri
hvor tekst kjøpes,
og selges for ingenting.
det blir irriterende
når enden på visa er,
at ansvar og møter
gir andre informasjon
og endringsintiativ.
skjerm gir lys i sjelen,
ikke sant, men krøkes
det virkelig tekster
i verden, det er
mitt spørsmål
i teksten her:
På bakgrunn av avstand fra meg til deg når jeg er skribent: Er jeg nå forfatter av et dikt som ingen forstår som annet enn hat. Uroer det deg da at navnet på forfatteren er tatt bort senere og erstattet med et annet, så vit at det aldri handlet om møter med vennskap i bunnen.
Det er lite i dag som engasjerer mer enn debatt om debatt, men hva ventet vi oss som ikke er blitt hørt som den vi var. Forelskelse og elskede er ikke meningen bak vers om hat, det som er der er vel heller fordummende tøv om noe som ikke engang har vært levende. Og nå: er dette noe jeg skrev, eller er dette skrevet av deg? Eller hun? Han? En rekke bøker ligger der og har ikke blitt lest en gang. Men hva gjemmer seg mellom sidene annet enn noe som burde blitt lest uten at hat var lagt til grunn for forståelse, at innsikt da forsvinner er åpenbart.*
*teksten er skrevet som en slags kommentar til kommentarfelt-debatten..
Christmascard on Thereafter.
Or Choice of Words in Need of A Melody:
written by me, dec 2019
Ill take that one
he says,
with eagerness,
as I pass them,
this couple and a child,
buying their first christmastree, perhaps,
and for us, the story thereafter isnt what I hear.
But me, everytime I get a tree,
and I carfully carry it, till Im on the Tube,
and there it looks like, like I hug it, the tree,
like we are a couple, almost, sure,
and thats a thought, just, because this has happened:
For the last years,
yes every f year of my single mom life,
some man has given me this very cross look,
as I hug the tree, though its just me, holding a tree so it wont fall to the floor, and get stains or whatever, flares perhaps, even.
-A man, is he so grumpy, I ask, -That he has to give me looks.
This tree, always answers -yeah, and though as a Norwegian Spruce,
this tree will also let me know:
-the man that I obviously offend by my graceful gesture,
thinks I am holding hands with "evil in me", as a last thing.
And isnt that fun, and isnt it strange,
to be a tree,
soon in the yard discarded of pine,
and happily over hugging me.
-H. Sørli
Summer in my studio, and this struck me.
I chose Only
i work alone
by heart, and head alone,
and my hands,
From Outer Space in a Livingroom,
The Hit & All Offended
Raining Giftful Giving
put page
and looking through appendix
me a
a a a ame
that small pony suits me
and we`re friends, the dog and me,
so pony, dog
any cats too, and a guinea pig perhaps,
cause we`re thoughtful
and now I tell:
listen, pony, cat, dog,
everyone seem to think
they know my inside head
mna a a a
his ex or some across
the table
looked at me with spite,
tree, tree,
use in us
I used to write
I used to write
I used to reach out
all uf us frightened
and only in the teens
but then they turned and smiled
as if I had some evil plan
she had this little dress
and flowers
sth else than me
but then I realised we all
had to go to a mans door
my hand he hit down, down,
into the floor,
I used to write
I used to write
I used to reach out*
all uf us frightened
and only in the teens
but then they turned to say:
I know who you are writing of**
* Why? Hurt is awful.
** Finding yourself in others writings isnt fun. Myself? I actually very seldom
write of people I know.
*** So this lyric is on being young. And writing about it later. And the look people can get when they think youve written about them.,
Someone to Watch over Me
jeg hører på jazz og katten
ett ullpledd og, da jeg var nitten
sa det hissig i meg,
dro Min Besværlige Venninne
til Italia og ble soloartist,
da jeg var nitten, sa det,
puttet jeg en mann i en
kvinnes sko bare fordi jeg
var redd for ham,
ligger det i nakken
for den bøyer jeg
men som nittenåring,
han hadde svarte øyne
og det kvikke blikket,
han satt på rommet mitt
og var imponert over en oppgave
jeg hadde skrevet om det tidligere
Jugoslavia, en gjest i en gruppe
mennesker fra krig hadde landet
på en folkehøyskole i Norge,
men hvorfor fikk han
Den Besværlige Venninna
med seg, jeg husker ikke,
den selvbevisste og veslevoksne Venninna mi, satt han på et tog, skramlet gjennom
Europa, mens han sølte kaffe på henne?
En flekk her, og en flekk der,
som blåe ringer under øyne,
nei, en gang stablet jeg ham
på beina, han var uten pust,
jeg vet ikke,
mennesker med lyter,
vi gir hverandre lite,
mens vi vet altfor godt hva
verden trenger,
og hvis jeg møtte ham igjen
ville jeg ikke nevne
eller noe annet,
for jeg har glemt
Committed By
Ordinary Canary, Salute
its a sad
he said
youll never recover
so they put forth some road
a bar, night, oh its commitment
to remember oneself
through new versions
thrown all over
helpfull, please see,
what if your own moments
walked right through me
might I render them,
and put em on instagram,
but I am not you,
I forget to mention
your inner feel,
proud or sad,
some gutfeel that say:
this is all so wrong.
it was me, leaning back
I was proud,
some V in my hand
oh back then
I was writer to a band
All lyrics. ©Tonje Høydahl Sørli
Utested, Trondheim, starten av 2000-tallet en gang
han har sett så redd ut nå i lange tider,
hvorfor slenger folk dritt etter han, det er som om det blomstrer opp et hat der han og jeg er,
til jeg skjønner det: der de har forskanset seg rundt et bord i hjørnet, de roper Æsj, og sniktitter på oss som bare tar en øl, Pervo roper de,
han vil så gjerne slippe denne gjengen mer,
så han ler og spiller meg:
litt mer avmålt og kjølig blikk,
men så, etter uker med hersing
klarer jeg ikke mer- jeg snur meg og roper Pervo tilbake til gutta med sleik, Hore skriker de til svar, og ler høyt.
Dette er over 15 år siden, og starten på et liv med avmaktsfølelse, som ofte følger med mobbing.
Pervo var et ord unge i Nord-Trøndelag brukte i oppveksten min. Ble vi sinte og sure var det et ord vi kunne slenge fra oss. I gjengen som terget på utestedet den gangen, satt flere jeg kjente til fra før.
Selv om jeg skrev ironisk da som nå, streifet aldri tanken meg:
at noen kunne bruke en tekst senere, der Pervo var brukt som i
å sette grenser, for å plage noen som aldri hadde «vært pervo» i utgangspunktet.
For meg er og forblir Pervo et uttrykk fra en oppvekst i nord, som jeg ikke ville sagt med
mindre jeg hadde en god grunn.
So This is Where We Have Met,
so this is where we met
some harsh lit in yours
as I say
this is where we met
so this is where we met
a yard, a stair,
truth is
I dont remember a thing
so this is where we met
I dont remember
then mock me
till this ends again
are there really none
that will not turn and whisper as I leave
in the corner of my eye
this what I see:
giggle, say
the guys made me
oh thats what you are
some gang of friends
that have not yet realized
how to greet
the one we love.
Sweet Faced Ones
We All Can Love*
as I walked by
her eyes hit your cheek
side by side
in your window
you lowered your head
oh no no
this i thisi girl
is in love
thisi girl
this i thisi girl
is in love
De er Vakter,
Song om Gjesping og Du er Vakker
jeg gjespet visst,
i i i stad,
akkurat da du sa
at du hadde klippet gresset
og leste 8 bøker,
at du savnet kjæresten og da, i faren din sin hage,
og snart har jeg fri,
men oj jeg gjespet visst,
jeg gjespet visst,
i i i stad,
akkurat da hun var fyr og flamme,
over en match eller noe,
jeg gjespet visst,
i i i stad,
akkurat da du sa hadetbra,
og vi hadde ikke sett hverandre
på sikkert 18 måneder,
og da gikk du litt bryskt,
og uka etter,
gikk visst alle og gjespet,
de gjorde det overtydelig,
og bare når de så på meg,
og hvis jeg pratet
gjespet ikke du og jeg: sammen,
fordi du visste
jeg slet med søvn.*
* knapt en ferdig tekst, og den handler om gjesping og det at noen triangulerer.
(its a bargain for lost souls)
too many start
their careers with looking down
Environmental written 13.03.2019
its just this,**
its not into, not anything, to me,
but living, and try living like nthing got into me,
and pull him with me on a sky in my head,
and that string, with two,
in opposite ends,
I cant meet someone caring
when he is within, is within.
Awhile I make amends,
the world is slowly turning,
turning on us all,
with heat and no bargain,
no trust, just leaving afraid.
little bee, and acres,
the smallest little things,
for people to realise
we are not living when living too scared .*
*Yes I know this looks like doom and nothing else matters, but this is what I care about: our living in harshy environments and unliving guests. This is my finger to myself and everyone
in my surroundings: this time isnt for fun, its for living with care and thought for other lives.
Kärlekens vånda & krigets
The Ferry is Gone
you know nothing about what i just did,
and its not with subtle irony you stand there,
with your hand done to fist around strawberry jam,
me: i used to hold things,
and i used to stroke,
just to be here and to keep in touch,*
* For those that struggle with aftermaths: Hands are essential. To hold and to have in your hand sth, as a stone, a cone, anything, will help you to stay in the here and now.
1 Bloom! & Jolly Future!
Truth Hurts
sorrow lost and sorrow won
did you get
what I`ve been plundering(ja jeg har altså plyndret på dette)* on:
I have
a blooming brain.
(song ref Sun has Gone, Broken Twin)
gav ham et manus
dette kan vi ikke lage bok av
sa han
Friends, I have
They Knew About the Brain
Random Call 1
In 2013 I lost a hard disk/drive with lots of lyrics, ideas, photoes, manuscripts and also ideas for exhibitions on. It was black, shimmery, and also grey in color, and it disappeared from Kampen Slott where I lived. Seen it? Leave a note (sigh)*.
Random Call 2
In 2016 my piece When Grief Comes, with bluebirds, music, hammock ++ was stolen from an outdoor exhibition in Ask, outside of Gjerdrum community house. My favourite piece! Seen it: email me.